Finding Balance Between Making Money And Being Happy

By Kevin Tyler Smith

Without finding the right balance between work and your personal life, you could end up failing in both counts.

Set Physical Boundaries

Train yourself to shed off problems at work the moment you leave your office. Use the time you spend traveling home to get rid of residual stress. By the time you enter your home, you should have all your work problems shelved inside a drawer that you can only pull open when you go back to the office.

Do the same thing about problems at home. Problems are better solved when you ponder them on appropriate settings. You should let your family and friends know that you find it easier to function if theyd wait for you to come home before telling you about your worries. Of course, emergencies are an exception.


Manage Your Time Effectively

Time is the most precious commodity of all because its something you simply cant buy. When yesterday gives way to tomorrow, you can never get it back. You must therefore make full use of every moment of your time.

Avoid wasting time either at work or home. Similarly, avoid doing one of either excessively. Youll be happier if youre able to satisfy your needs in both aspects of your life. Plans must be made early. Although spontaneity is good once in a while, they can only create trouble and make you a less happy person if you allow your impulses rule your life entirely.

Enjoy Your Achievement

If youve achieved something at work, take the time to savor the pleasure of completing the task. After all, theres no point in working hard for something when you dont take the time to enjoy its rewards. Do the same thing at home. If theres something to be happy about, dont let it pass you by. Celebrate by going out with your loved ones or reward yourself with a little treat like letting go of your strict diet regime for one day or enjoying a shopping spree.

Balance isnt just something you can achieve by having a detailed schedule in your organizer. Balance is also a mental and emotional state: you need to make a conscious effort of alleviating your stress, relaxing yourself, and letting yourself be happy whenever you made money or being happy simply for the sake of being with your loved ones.

Know When To Quit

Giving up is not always a sin. If youve truly given your best, pushing yourself further could end up harming yourself. This can both happen at work or home. Dont work too hard. Dont play too hard. There are people who have a difficult time quitting and if youre one of them then you definitely have a problem with finding balance as well.

Balance is also about knowing your limits. You can test them once in a while, but make sure you dont go completely overboard.

Get A Life Coach

Last but not the least, if none of these tips had helped you then maybe its time to take a life coach. A life coach is not necessarily a psychiatrist. He is, however, qualified to help you analyze your goals for life and attain them. If its balance you want then a life coach will certainly be more than happy to help you find it.

To learn more about finding that perfect balance in your life from some of the worlds most successful minds follow the link in my resource box now.

About the Author: Kevin Tyler Smith is a leader on one of the fastest growing personal development teams on the Internet. Discover how they are changing lives personally and financially all across the globe in 175+ countries and how you can get in on the action FREE >>>


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