How Should Elevator Testing Be Done?}

How Should Elevator Testing be done?


New England Elevator Corporation

Once an elevator is installed it has to be checked to know that it is properly installed and has no problems. The company can send their trained professionals and have it tested. Very often it depends on where the elevator is fitted to make the different checks. If it is installed in a Mall it will have to be tested for stress and load and the weight it can carry.

If the elevator is installed in the hospital then you have to be sure that it has backup electricity in case it is stuck in the middle with an emergency case. The backup electricity must come on and get the elevator to the desired floor.

Five Year Elevator Testing


When elevators were installed there were safety checks for five years on traction elevators as per safety code B-44 to know they were functioning properly. This was mostly done to check on the governors and buffers and know they were functioning at their best. The charges for this were included in the maintenance contracts and home owners or managers did not have to pay extra bills.

Of late the owners and managers are suddenly receiving bills for 5 year testing of the Elevator Testing which are quite substantial. Of late it has been found that the elevator safety code has other clauses and as per those clauses the contractor has to do five years testing for certain elevators as per the maintenance and adoption section. This requires the elevator to be tested for full load at full-speed as well as full load brake test.

Advantages of Elevator Modernisation

The life time of an elevator is 20 years and as years passtheir performance starts declining and you might have to go for Elevator Modernization. If the elevator gives many problems then the manager might decide to go for modernisation to make them reliable and efficient.

Modernization cannot increase the speed of the elevators but can only make them more efficient. They can have destination despatch where they can group passengers as per their destinationand save on trips and time. Microprocessors in buildings help to learn the patterns of traffic and accordingly adjust.

Modern elevators come with increased acceleration where doors open and close faster. Modernization helps to make elevators energy efficient and bring down the energy costs. As the elevators descend they can supply energy back into the building.

How Elevator Access Control system can help?

The system for elevator access control can help certain people staying in the building to go to certain floors at predetermined times. Depending on the control panel that is chosen the system can control a number of elevators. This can bring down the cost and improve business security.

Identification can be provided to the people that work in the building to provide them access to certain floors in the building. CCTV cameras can be used to integrate elevator access so that people going to different floors can be known.

Access to the elevator can be granted or denied based on the classification of the user.Elevator access can be made secure and flexible with the control system. Have regular maintenance and testing of the elevator to get maximum service.

New England Elevator is an independent elevator service, Best Elevator Maintenance, Repair and Elevator Testing company serving all of Connecticut, Hartford, Glastonbury, New Haven, Groton, Danbury, Bloomfield.

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