Do You Have Problems Getting Things Done?

By David Hooper

Probably the most common element that I see in clients who can’t get things done is interruption. The kids, spouse, or other obligations are always “getting in the way” of their music careers.

The problem isn’t usually the interruption though…it’s the people being interrupted.

There is something about most people which makes them feel they should be accessible at all times. We’ve got mobile phones, pagers, a fax, email, and dozens of other ways to let people get in touch with us. And all that stuff is great, but that doesn’t mean we have to use it all the time.


If you’ve ever tried to call my office, you’ll get voice mail…and it’s not because we’re not around. We don’t answer the phone because calls keep us from getting things done.

You may be thinking…

“What if the person calling is stuck on the side of the road and needs help?”

That person knows they’ll get voice mail on my line, so they’ll call somebody else.

But the truth is, most nothing that you’re interrupted by is nearly this important. For me, it’s usually musicians too lazy to look over the information on the web page or people in the office who “just need a minute” because they lack the ability to make a decision on their own.

You don’t have to live your life like this, but if you can make just an hour or two of uninterrupted time per day, you’ll be amazed at what you’re able to accomplish.

About the Author: David Hooper is the founder of Kathode Ray Music, an artist development organization specializing in promotion and marketing of independent musicians and bands. Visit


for more tips and hints for musicians, bands, and songwriters.


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