How To Write Better Essays With The Help Of Your Online English Tutor?

“How do I know what I think until I see what I say?”

E.M. Forster

The famous quote by Forster, an English novelist, holds true for a good essay. A beautiful essay is very much a voice and a reflection of the writer’s personality. The quest to write a good essay is a challenging one. Many students stress out and many lose sleep over it.

Essay writing can give goose bumps to a lot many students. Well how can one go about it and emerge a winner. But time to worry is a thing of the past now. Here is a simple solution. Your online English tutor has come to your rescue.

Hang on! How to go about it is the first question that comes up in your mind.

So if you seek online tutor help, the subject expert will be more than happy to help you. You can simply sign up with TutorEye, one of the fastest growing online tutoring platforms and start getting expert tips. The first step, is of course, begin by fully comprehending the essay topic and rest will surely follow.

Your online English tutor will simplify things for you. To get clarity or even how to begin, your online tutor of English will help you with the following steps:

1. Ideation: To write a good essay is no mean task! Your tutor will help you take a trip to the land of your imagination. See bright ideas come when you are relaxed. Your tutor can brainstorm with you on a couple of topics.

So no more you will be assailed by a sense of isolation when you are sitting with the task of writing an essay. Get ready to enter intense discussions with your online tutor which will help you sharpen your reasoning skills. Be prepared to deep dive into a topic so as to arrive at some of the best ideas that will help you ace an ‘A’ in class.

2. Outline: Be prepared to chalk out a skeletal framework along with your online English tutor. This step is necessary as your tutor can help you in eliminating unnecessary details or ideas that will not help your essay.

The bright side is having a good outline will help you in not getting stuck. You always have a point of reference and a good guide to help you build upon your ideas.

3. Proofreading:Turning over a good essay requires a great deal of editing and proofreading. This is where your online tutor can help you, she/he can provide you with a fresh pair of eyes to review your essay.

A good essay requires a lot of revision work. Think of it as a saga of weaving beautiful thoughts together. With online help, you can find out what substance is your essay lacking. This will help you in getting a good head start. A student can find out what needs to be kept in mind and what areas need improvement with online English tutor, before turning your paper in for submission.

4. Essay writing help: Not everyone is fluent in English, it takes time to build a vocabulary and develop the habit of reading. Now not everyone is armed up with the arsenal to write great essays. Here the role of your online English tutor comes into question.

If you go for regularonline tutoring in English, chances of you excelling on your exam day improve a lot. When you opt for written assistance, your online tutor can tell you how to create a good essay.

Apart from this, you will benefit from someone, who can tell you with all the clarity in the world about what constitutes a great essay.

5. Live study session: When a student opts for a live study session, rest assured a one on one interaction will clear all existing doubts. On a two way interactive whiteboard, tutee and online English tutor can list out existing pain areas, come up with ideas, decide on the choice of words, tone and an overall voice of your essay.

One can use file sharing tools and even record a session for later viewing with 24/7 help available. Online tutoring is a sure way to fire up your imagination.

So gear up and get ready to write great essays with online tutor help. Your tutor can instruct you on how to structure your essay and cite sources towards the end. For writing better essays you need to improve upon your vocabulary, get creative writing lessons and UpGRADE your reading comprehension skills. This requires constant effort on your part.

Every student dreams of writing great essays and with technology you can reach out for better grades. Online tutor help can help you with much needed research, tell you the right sources to draw upon and strategies to write fool proof essays.

Apart from the above advice, always be on the lookout for what is being asked. There are different types of essays and with online tuition you will be able to identify whether it is an opinion you are being asked or the essay needs to be addressed with neutrality.

In the end, essay writing is an art and the most creative form of writing. Once you get a knack of it, believe us, you will be the master of this game.

Here is a quick checklist:


  • Try beginning each paragraph with a topic sentence that illustrates the overall idea or defines the underlying theme of the paragraph in point.
  • Use credible sources for example standard textbooks, books by accredited authors while quoting them in your essay.
  • Check your grammar and revise your essay at least twice.


  • Do not brag or make up stuff while writing, use authentic voice in your essay.
  • Say no to plagiarism and do not copy ready-made essays online or from essay books.

Try not to launch straight in, rather take time to create an outline. This will prevent you from floundering later on.